Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Allow me to introduce myself

Hello my name name name is...ha ha ... .I couldn't resist. My name is Debra and I thought it would be both a hoot and therapeutic for me to create a blog and share some life journeys with whomever cares to read this page.
I am a 42 yr old mother of 5 (three grown step sons and 2 babies---well a 5 yr old and 3 yr old). I know what you're thinkin---what the H E double hockey sticks was she thinkin? 42 and babies. Yep, love em but hoowee! That's where the Jesus help me part comes in.
At any rate, I work a fulltime job, married and every day want to punch those women in their throats for burnin their bras and demanding to be in the workforce. Raising babies, being a wife, trying to be domestic AND work 40+ hours a week for "the man"---ok that's another help me Jesus moment. Heck, I could have called this blog "help me Jesus" and been done with it.
At any rate, I am looking forward to the laughs, the tears and the journey that I am about to trek.
Be good to yourself and a blessing to others.

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